KS2 Year 6 English SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests Book 2 with AnswerS 3 BOOKS CGP
KS2 English SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests: Reading - Book 2 with Answer CGP
This is Book 2 of our SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests for KS2 Reading — it’s packed with a selection of quick tests to help children prepare for the new English SATS!
All the questions are written in the style of the real SATS, with reading texts that increase in difficulty throughout each set of tests. We've also thrown in fun puzzle pages so pupils can practise their English skills in new contexts. Complete answers are included, along with a handy chart to record children's progress.
KS2 English SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests: Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling - Book 2 with Answer CGP
This is Book 2 of our SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests for KS2 Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling — it’s packed with even more quick tests to help children prepare for the new English SATS!
All the questions are written in the style of the real SATS, with audio tests for spelling (you can either read these out from the pull-out transcripts or access free online audio files on the CGP website). We've also thrown in some fun puzzle pages so pupils can practice their skills in a different context. Complete answers are included, along with a handy chart to record children's progress.
KS2 Maths SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests - Book 2 with Answer CGP
This is Book 2 of our SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests for KS2 Maths — it’s packed with an all-new selection of quick tests to help children prepare for the new SATS!
All the questions are written in the style of the real SATS, with a mixture of KS2 Maths topics covered in each set of tests. Complete answers are included, along with a handy chart to record children's progress. What's more, we've even thrown in some fun educational puzzle pages to break up all that hard graft.